Quantum computer is a kind of physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics, performs high-speed mathematical and logical operations, stores and processes quantum information. In a broad sense, a device can be called a quantum computer when it processes and calculates quantum information and runs quantum algorithms.Weather forecast: If we use quantum computer to analyze all the information at the same time and get the results, then we can know the exact trend of weather changes, thus avoiding a lot of economic losses.
Returning to the capital market, the breakthrough of Google's quantum computing is the same as a sudden technical breakthrough before, and it is difficult to produce a sustained rise after news stimulation. Unless we can see the realization of commercialization expectations in the future, then this imagination space will be enormous.What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?
Returning to the capital market, the breakthrough of Google's quantum computing is the same as a sudden technical breakthrough before, and it is difficult to produce a sustained rise after news stimulation. Unless we can see the realization of commercialization expectations in the future, then this imagination space will be enormous.Secure communication: Not only for the aspects close to our lives, but also for the encrypted communication of quantum computer, because of its non-cloning principle, it will make it impossible for intruders to decipher and eavesdrop without being discovered, which is determined by the nature of quantum computer itself.What is a quantum computer? What are the advantages? What are the application scenarios? What about the future?